
It doesn’t take much work to get Spark up and running. You can use our barebones template bones.php included in the Spark download. It’s a very simple HTML5 file with all the required files linked in. Just remember that if you move the template HTML file, take the css, js and font directories with it or relink the files manually in the head.

If you’ve already got a project on the go and want to include Spark, just include spark.min.css, spark.min.js (make sure you’ve got jQuery included too! See note below..) and you’re good to go.

You can use a jQuery CDN such as <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script> if you’re not a jQuery regular.

Upgrading from Spark 1.x? Read our upgrade notes.

Building Spark (compiling the LESS files)

Spark is set up ready to be built using the lessc compiler from within the extracted spark directory.

$ lessc -x less/spark.less > css/spark.min.css


The custom.less file is included (always blank by default) and is for you to insert any overriding LESS code. Useful if you’d rather not modify the core files. In the future, it will also be where you can paste LESS code generated by our theme creator.